Your comfort is our business
+356 7923 9817
Factory UB9, Industrial Estate, San Gwann


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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Polyurethane Foam?

A polyurethane is polymer consisting of organic units that are joined by urethane ‘links’. A polyurethane foam has the same chemistry but is expanded during the manufacturing process to form a cellular polyurethane.


What is Foam Hardness?

In terms of polyurethane foam testing, it is the amount of force required to compress a standards test sample by 40% and is expressed in Newtons (N). With a relationship between density and hardness, it is this property that is most likely ‘felt’ by the consumer when sitting on a cushion or lying on a mattress.


What is Foam Density?

The density of any material is its mass divided by its volume. In the case of polyurethane foams, a foam of relatively high density will have more polyurethane material per m3 and therefore is likely to offer better support and resistance to losses in properties such as hardness, resilience and height over periods of time.


Does Vitafoam produce a memory foam that is 'breathable'?

The issue of breath-ability and temperature while sleeping are well known for many memory foam products. Vitafoam’s range is different to many competitive foams already offers significantly superior airflow and breath-ability characteristics. If you would like to know more, please your nearest outlet.


Understanding the Grade Specification; (example VS50 080)?

The first 2 letters denote a particular foam type. In this instance it is a visco elastic product. The first 2 digits refer to the foam’s net density with the following 3 numbers expressing the foam’s hardness in N (Newtons)


What is visco-elastic foam?

These are foams that have low resilience and therefore recover slowly following removal of applied pressure. These types of foams have become hugely popular in the domestic bedding market and offer superior comfort through a much more even distribution of pressure than conventional foam equivalents.


Do you sell foam blocks for furniture makers?

Yes, we sell foam blocks of different densities. Our foam blocks can be custom-cut into any dimensions that the customer wants.


Can you feel the difference between the various densities of Foam?

There is a difference. The denser the foam product, the more supportive it is and the more it will conform to your body. High density Foam is designed specifically for the size and shape of all Foam Factory products. Vitafoam mattresses molds and support the body better than any other product in the market.


What if I weigh 300kg. And my spouse weighs 100 kg; will the same foam product work well for both of us?

Special mattresses can be produced for similar circumstances with variant foam density.


How do I know my Foam mattress is good quality?

Obviously it is important to allow the foam to do what it is best for: Allowing for a better contouring of your body shape and therefore less pressure placed on the areas of your body that press harder against the bed.


Why do I need a hard mattress?

Sleeping on hard surface helps to reshape the back and realign the body. A firm sleep surface helps the body’s relationship with gravity. It is a therapeutic practice.


Why does my mattress smell?

First thing to remember is not to worry. Due to the chemical composition of all foam based products, the process invariable means that some odour may be present, especially if the foam block has been freshly cut. The odour will soon disappear, sometimes within a day or two after the mattress has been left to air.


The durability of a spring mattress depends on what?

This include the number of springs used, the gauge of wire and the arrangement of springs within the mattress. The thickness of the layer of padding that covers the spring system also has a great impact on the comfort the mattress may provide.


What are the factors to consider when buying a foam mattress?

When buying a foam mattress, you must take into cognizance the mattress depth, thickness of the padding, fabric used for padding and the density of the foam.


What is bed frame?

Bed frame is a piece of furniture, which is used to position and hold a mattress.


Must my bed frame be the same size with my mattress?

For convenience sake it has to. When you are buy a bed frame, it’s important it fits the mattress as well. Many times it happens, that either the frame is way larger, than the mattress or it is too small than the mattress. In either case, it becomes very inconvenient to sleep on.


In mattress terminology what does it mean to have a firm mattress?

When people say they want a FIRM mattress, what they are often looking for is a supportive mattress. However, firmness designations actually refer to the surface feel of a mattress. If you are looking for a bed that feels hard, then a firm mattress is what you want.


Which orthopedic mattresses should I go for?

The best advice is to go and try a range of different orthopedic mattresses and see how comfortable they feel to lie down on. There are two main types of orthopedic mattresses that you are more likely to come across including Vitafoam President which provides high resilient foam rubber or imperial sleep, Hypnos orthopedic spring interior mattress.


How can you look after an orthopedic mattress?

– Make sure you place orthopedic mattress on a firm base of matching size – Rotate it once a month – Try not to let the orthopedic mattresses get wet (this will increase the risk of mildew developing)


How long do mattresses last and how often should they be replaced?

Traditionally, mattresses should be replaced every 7 to 10 years. The life of a mattress can be impacted by many factors, including the height and weight of the sleeper(s) and whether or not it is supported by a proper frame and foundation, and even the climate that you live in. If the mattress is abused by standing or jumping on it, or if a double-sided mattress is not turned as recommended by the manufacturer, you may need to replace the mattress sooner. Ultimately, if you wake up feeling stiff and sore and you can’t identify any other causes; you might want to think about replacing your mattress. Your lifestyle and your body may undergo rapid changes, and that may mean that your mattress should change, too. As a rule, if your mattress sags or is worn and lumpy, you should think about replacing it. And you can ask yourself this question: Would a new mattress help me sleep better?


How is sleep affected by a mattress?

Lifestyle factors – age, physical activity, smoking, and illness – are all important. However, your mattress is the most important factor in determining the quality of your sleep. Your mattress should support you and be comfortable enough to allow you to sleep in one position all night, without the tossing and turning that is caused by pressure points. Restless sleep or waking up with aches in your arms, legs and back is a sure sign that your mattress is not helping you get the rest you need.


Does a couple need a particular mattress size?

As a rule, a 150cm or a 160cm provides the most room and the best comfort. You might want to consider a mattress that minimizes sleep disturbances when either of you move during the night. Our mattresses are constructed to minimize the impact of partners moving. You should both evaluate a potential mattress purchase. A spacious mattress will help you sleep better and you’ll both be more rested in the morning.


Do children need a particular kind of mattress?

For babies, a crib with a firm, tight-fitting mattress is crucial to the infant’s health and safety. Always be sure the crib has adequate support for the mattress, so that the bedding can’t be easily dislodged. This is a very important consideration, since babies spend almost three-quarters of their time asleep and toddlers spend half their time sleeping. As your children grow older, they will be ready to graduate to a standard single bed. The rules of comfort and support apply here. Children need 8-10 hours of sleep per night. A mattress that allows them to sleep comfortably without tossing and turning will give them the restful sleep they need to grow up healthy.


How often would I need to rotate my mattress?

Most mattresses made in the last few years are one-sided, as opposed to the two-sided models that required flipping and rotating. Through the years mattresses became so heavy, due to added upholstery layers and coils, that they were very difficult to turn. To make it easier for the consumer, one-sided mattresses were developed. Most one-sided mattresses should be rotated head-to-toe once every two months. If you have a two-sided mattress like a spring interior mattress, rotating it minimizes the impressions your body leaves and makes your mattress more resilient and resistant to wear and tear, because you are using all the sleeping surfaces. Two-sided mattresses should be “flipped” once every two weeks for the first three months and once every two months thereafter. The first time, turn it over so the top surface is now resting on the foundation. The next time, just spin the mattress from head to toe, leaving the same surface in contact with the foundation. Alternate these two procedures every two months and you can expect a long life from your mattress.


Why is sleep so important?

Sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle. Like eating right and exercising, sleeping well is essential to feeling your best during the day. It affects how you feel, your relationships, your productivity and your quality of life. While you sleep, your brain goes to work, consolidating the day’s learning into memory and reenergizing the body.


Is it true that napping can be bad for you?

There’s nothing wrong with taking a short nap to help refresh you during the day. But if you find you’re napping all the time, it could be a sign that you aren’t getting as much sleep as you should. Or that you’re not getting the deep, restful sleep you need at night.


How much sleep does the average person need?

The average person needs 7-8 hours a night, but it differs for every person. Some people may need as much as 10 hours a night and others need much less. If you sleep longer on the weekends than during the week, you probably aren’t getting the sleep you need every night.


What are some ways to get a better night's sleep?

A few key things should help. Try going to bed and getting up at the same time every day – even on the weekends. This will help keep your biological clock in sync. Develop a sleep ritual by doing the same things each night just before bed. Parents often establish a routine for their kids, but it can help adults, too. A routine cues the body to settle down for the night. Another hint: Unwind early in the evening so that worries and distractions don’t keep you from getting a good night’s sleep. Finally, create a restful sleep environment – sleep in a cool, quiet, dark room on a comfortable, supportive mattress and foundation – to get your best night’s rest. If you’re sleeping as much as you need, but still find that you’re sleepy during the day, you should consult your doctor to see if you might have a medical condition interfering with your sleep.


What can shift workers or people who work at night do to sleep better?

Anyone who sleeps during the day needs to make sure their room is dark – use heavy window coverings to block out the light. This is important for everyone, but particularly for people who sleep when it’s bright outside. Also, make sure your room is cool, between 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 18 degrees Celsius). Sleep on a comfortable, supportive mattress and foundation that offers you enough space to move around comfortably. And sleep in a room that’s quiet. The sleep environment is a very controllable part of good sleep – whether you’re sleeping during the day or at night. You can adjust the temperature, replace an uncomfortable or worn-out mattress, block out noise with earplugs and keep light from your bedroom with dark blinds or eye shades.


Is there a problem with falling asleep on the sofa watching television, not falling asleep in bed?

If you regularly fall asleep on your sofa, you may not be getting as much sleep as you need at night in your bed. Or maybe your sofa is more comfortable than your bed! In either case, you should make sure to practice good sleep habits – from sleeping on a comfortable, supportive mattress to not drinking alcohol too close to bedtime. And try to get more sleep – it may change how you feel during the day.



What if there's no time for sleep? What can people do to sleep better?

Sleep needs to be a health priority. It affects every aspect of your day-to-day living. If you can’t say “yes” to sleep, make sure to make the most out of the sleep you get. Exercise regularly – people who exercise a few times a week sleep better than people who don’t. Also, avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco products late in the day. All can interfere with sleep. You need to create a restful sleep environment so the sleep you get is restorative and uninterrupted. Sleep in a dark room, on a comfortable, supportive mattress. Keep the room cool and quiet. And if you find yourself too stressed to sleep, make a list of all the things you need to do. Once you’ve made your to-do list, give yourself permission to relax and sleep. You’ll need the energy to tackle your tasks in the morning.


Can people make up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping in on weekends?

No. If you sleep more on the weekends than during the week – and many of us do – this indicates that you have a “sleep debt.” A sleep debt accumulates when you don’t get enough sleep. The only way to reduce the debt is to sleep as much as your body needs every night. Make sure you’re getting the right quality of sleep as well. Sleep in a cool, dark, quiet room on a comfortable, supportive mattress to get your best night’s sleep.


How can someone tell if they have a sleep disorder?

If you’ve looked at your sleep environment and your everyday routine to make sure you’re not sabotaging your sleep and you still feel sleepy after getting a full night’s sleep, you should see your doctor. You may have a medical condition that interferes with getting a good night’s sleep.


What's the best mattress?

The answer is a matter of individual taste. What’s best for me may not be best for you. When it comes to mattresses, there is no one-size-fits-all. After all, we’re all built differently and have different comfort and support preferences, so why would the same mattress be “best” for all of us? To determine the mattress that’s best for you, we recommend using the process of elimination to weed out the ones you don’t like. Go to a retailer and use the “rest test” to narrow down your choices. As you lie down on the mattresses, pay attention to three of the mattress’s most important features: comfort, support and space. The mattress that best fulfills the combination of these needs is the “best” mattress for you. If you sleep with a partner, bring that person with you to test out the mattresses. After all, you will need to reconcile what you like best with what your partner likes best.


How can you best shop for a mattress?

You need to understand your needs before you start shopping. We recommend that you think about your lifestyle. How has it changed since you last bought a mattress and how might these changes affect your purchase? And what about your body? Has it changed and how has this affected your needs for support or your comfort preferences? Finally, think about space needs and if you have a partner, take your partner with you to shop for a new mattress. It’s important to find something to meet both your support needs and comfort preferences. Armed with this information, go to a mattress retailer you trust, someone who will answer your questions with information. Then, take a “rest test” to compare the feel of different mattresses by lying down on them. You will quickly find some mattresses you like and others that do not meet your personal comfort preferences and support needs. Through this process of elimination, you can determine which mattresses you like best.


How can you tell when a mattress is 'used up'?

If you regularly wake up feeling stiff and sore or if you aren’t sleeping as well as you did a year ago, it may be time to replace what you’re sleeping on. At least twice a year, check for visible signs of wear and tear and ask yourself if you’re sleeping better or worse than you did a year ago and if a new mattress might improve your sleep. This regular sleep check-up will help ensure your mattress is still doing its job or whether a replacement is required.


What should people look for in a new mattress?

Four keys to keep in mind are support, comfort, space and matching sets. The mattress that’s right for you will keep your spine in proper alignment – how your spine is when it’s in good standing posture – supporting your body and cradling it along its curves. The right mattress will also be comfortable for your body. Keep in mind that your comfort preferences are likely to change as you age. Make sure the mattress provides enough space for easy, free movement. Couples should sleep on a 150cm or 160cm size mattress. And keep in mind that a mattress and foundation are designed to work together. Buy them as a set and get the most out of your investment in yourself.


What is the best way to try a mattress?

The best way to try a mattress is to take the “SLEEP Test”:

– Select a mattress

– Lie down in your sleep position

– Evaluate the level of comfort and support

– Educate yourself about each selection

– Partners should try each mattress together

Don’t be embarrassed. You don’t think twice about test driving a car, and you shouldn’t think twice about “SLEEP Testing” a mattress. Lie down on the mattress for several minutes and assess how well it provides support and how comfortable it is for you. The only way to tell if a mattress is right for you is to lie down on it.


How much money should be spent on a mattress?

Your rest – the amount and quality of your sleep – is a critical factor in your overall well-being. It can affect how you feel physically and mentally as well as your productivity. Accordingly, we urge you to invest in your rest, and spend enough on a mattress to ensure that your individual comfort and support needs are being met. Be sure not to shortchange yourself out of a good, quality night’s sleep and buy the best mattress you can afford. The average person spends one-third of his or her life in bed. This equals 220,000 hours over the course of a lifetime! And the mattress is the most used piece of furniture in the home.


What can new parents do to sleep better?

There’s nothing more challenging than taking care of a new baby. The good news is, as babies grow older, they sleep for far longer periods at a time and soon will sleep through the night. In the meantime, know that erratic sleep schedules and getting up in the middle of the night will be part of your lives for the next few months. So make the most of the sleep you can get – provide yourself and your husband with a restful sleep environment. Sleep in a cool, dark room on a comfortable, supportive mattress. That way, you’ll get the best sleep you can, even if it’s for shorter periods of time. And learn to sleep when your baby does. It may be tempting to tackle chores while your baby sleeps, but a quick nap will help boost your energy. Sleep is as important to you as it is to your child.


How much sleep do children need?

Kids need at least nine hours of sleep each night to be star students. To help make sure your kids get the sleep they need, make sure your child’s bedroom is conducive to a good night’s sleep – your child’s room should be cool, quiet and dark and he or she should be sleeping on a comfortable, supportive mattress.


Should a parent pass down an old mattress to a child?

If a mattress is no longer comfortable for you, it’s not good enough for someone else – especially your child. As kids grow, they need supportive and comfortable bedding as well. Be sure your children have enough space to move around in and a good mattress to sleep on comfortably, as they grow.


What are the advantages of purchasing a locally manufactured mattress?

Purchasing locally will give you the possibility to order a mattress to your preferred size and shape whilst having local after sales services and reasonable product guarantee.

  • Sitting Area & Sofa Beds

    Vitafoam Ltd manufactures a range of beds and headboards in solid wood or upholstered padded bed frames. Read more →

  • Mattresses & Other Bedding

    Vitafoam Ltd manufactures a range of spring and non-spring mattresses, mattress protectors and mattress toppers. Read more →

  • Foam Blocks & Sheets

    Vitafoam’s foam blocks and sheets are produced with different widths, thickness and densities. Read more →

  • Murphy Beds

    Vitafoam Ltd supplies a range of Murphy beds of different sizes and shapes. Read more →

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